你的定价计划会影响你的底线. As summer temperatures rise, review your business' pricing plan to learn when to conserve energy. 如果你的公司是 按使用时段 or 临界峰值定价(cppd) plan, which includes event days, prepare for on-peak and event-day hours (4 - 9 p.m.),以减少你的能源使用,当一个激活被调用.
在能源使用量高的日子里,可持续发展目标&E may activate Demand Response programs or Event Day Pricing plans to support the electric grid. 在这些日子里制定一个节约能源的计划.
We offer a variety of programs to help your business save energy and money.
If your business can conserve energy when demand is highest, we have a program for you.
Find resources and self-service tools for more efficient project application and management.
这是加州的官方倡议, GoGreen融资 provides easy access to private financing with exceptional terms and qualified professional contractor services.
- 签署 我的账户 to manage your account from your computer or mobile device—anywhere, anytime.
- 追踪能源使用情况. 看看你每月或每天什么时候用了多少能源.
- 注册能源提醒. 在你支付账单之前跟踪能源成本.
- 消息灵通. Each year it's important to review your business contact and notification preferences to make sure the right contact is on file.
Access tools that help your small- or medium-size business monitor your energy use.
You can save an extra 10%*on your annual heating and cooling costs when you use a smart 恒温器 to automatically adjust the temperature in your office or workspace.
Switching out lighting with occupancy sensors can provide energy saving and convenience by turning on lights when someone enters a room and turns them off when unoccupied.
Enable the power management function on computers, so monitors go to sleep. And at the end of the work day, remember to switch off or power down your electronic devices.
Weather strip and caulk drafty doors and windows to keep in the heat when you need it most. Insulating your building can help manage temperatures and reduce energy costs.
就像给你的车做一次调校可以提高你的油耗一样, a yearly tune-up of your heating and cooling system can improve efficiency and comfort.
An energy audit can help your business identify ways to upgrade your facility to be more energy efficient.
*节省10%,如表所示 加州能源升级 网站.
在公共安全断电(PSPS)的情况下, 我们有贵公司目前的联系方式吗? 您是否已注册接收停机通知? 访问我们的 通知page 以了解更多有关邮递服务通知的资料.
夏季高温会增加能源消耗, 再加上夏季的价格, our customers can experience higher than normal bills during this time.
在夏天, there is also a greater risk for a “Reduce-Your-Use” or "Critical Peak Pricing" Event Day to be called. Event Days happen when the demand for energy spikes in our region or across the state. We may ask customers to conserve energy if they are on a participating pricing plan. 在活动当天,附加费从下午4点开始生效.m. 到晚上9点.m. 电价大幅上涨. 结合高峰期的使用时间定价在4便士.m. 9点.m., this means businesses who do not conserve on Event Days may receive bills up to 400% higher than average.
A helpful starting point is for customers to log into or sign up for 我的账户. 西班牙&E offers various pricing plan options to give customers more choice and control over their energy use and maximize savings. 我的账户 allows you to compare pricing plans side-by-side to find the one which fits your business’s needs.
For customers on a 按使用时段 pricing plan, 管理高峰时段的能源使用也很重要. 能量消耗最高的时段是下午四点之间.m. 9点.m.此时全州对能源的需求最高. 在我的账户内, customers can elect to receive weekly energy use summaries to stay on top of their bill. 访问我们的 能源警报page 了解更多.
除了你的企业用电量和用电时间, 电价是以电力需求为基础的. Demand is the rate at which your business uses electricity – the maximum amount needed to power your business at any given time. 了解更多需求,请访问我们的 了解业务需求 page.
For customers on a 按使用时段 Plus (TOU P) or Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) plan, 管理高峰时段的能源使用也很重要. 能量消耗最高的时段是下午4点.m. 9点.m. 当整个州对能源的需求最高时. 西班牙&E may also call a "Reduce-Your-Use" or "Critical Peak Pricing" Event Day, 对下午4点使用的能源增加附加费.m. 9点.m. 注意你什么时候最消耗能量是至关重要的.
Review your contact information under your profile in 我的账户 to make sure it is up to date. Customers with an email or phone number on file will be notified of a Reduce-Your-Use Event Day a day ahead of the event so they can plan how they will shift energy. Create a plan to reduce your use during an event day with these tips.
Level Pay is a program which averages out your bill and allows you to budget more easily.
符合资格申请 水平支付计划(LPP)服务 是:
- 社区选择聚合 (CCA) and Direct Access (DA) customers. The LPP amount for UDC billed CCA and DA customers is calculated using both the customers’ UDC and CCA charges.
- Commercial electric customers with maximum monthly demand < 500kW per month.
- Commercial gas customer using < 250,每年消耗1000热的气体, 谁不是核心聚合运输(CAT)的客户.
- GT或DT(流动房屋公园).
- 热电联产帐户不符合水平工资的资格.
- 净能源计量(NEM)客户不符合“水平缴费”的资格.
每个州的法律,可持续发展目标&我们不从向客户出售电力中获利. The electricity we purchase for our customers is directly passed through onto customer bills.
您可以通过滚动到下面的页脚找到一些资源. 点击链接,如费率 & 法规,总电费等等.